All short term rentals are required to register for a license. Apply for your Short Term Rental Accommodation Business License today! Please visit the COKL
Category: News Headlines
If you are a boater who kids or adults for waterskiing, tubing or other on-water activities, we encourage you to review a boat safety e-learning
There have been several reports (on Facebook) of ‘Swimmers Itch’ in parts of our lake and river system. Below is some additional information and resources
The below is an email that has been pulled from an email sent to us from Kawartha Conservation. I’m writing to let you know that
COKL Announcement: We’re excited to announce that we’ve launched a Short Term Rental survey to help us evaluate the Short Term Rental industry in Kawartha
A new update has been posted to the Highway 35 Gull River Bridges Rehabilitation website under ‘Project Announcements & News’ and can be viewed by
The Coboconk, Norland and Area Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce that this year we will be having a traditional Santa Claus Parade! How Will the Parade
MNRF Activity on the lake week of September 5, 2022 The MNRF had a crew on Shadow Lake last week as apart of their Broad
As of Sunday August 14 2022 the Gull river reservoir lakes are filled to normal or slightly higher than normal levels for this date.. The